Emotional Life of Our Lord

Book Review – The Emotional Life Of Our Lord By B.B. Warfield

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The Emotional Life Of Our Lord The Emotional Life Of Our Lord By B.B. Warfield Synopsis: “Our Lord’s emotions is a subject that Christians have often neglected, and in doing so have deprived themselves of a vital element in the gospel. Our Lord was truly human. He became like us, sin apart. Warfield demonstrates that […]

Fighting for Holiness

Book Review – Fighting for Holiness by J.C. Ryle

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Book Review – Fighting for Holiness Fighting for Holiness by J.C. Ryle Synopsis: “May we never forget that without fighting there can be no holiness while we live, and no crown of glory when we die!” –J. C. Ryle “True Christianity is a fight,” wrote J. C. Ryle in 1877. He argued that from the […]