Rooted In Revelation Guest Appearance – Finding Proper Balance In Our Christian Life

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Rooted In Revelation

Christian Balance

If you haven’t checked out Rooted in Revelation podcast yet you are missing out.  I would suggest the great episode with Brant Bosserman and Spiritual Growth.

I (Patrick) went on to discuss the trend I see within today’s Christianity where there are a lot of distractions that cause a focus on politics or societal change or End Times fixation. While those things are important, the Christian’s first focus is sanctifying their life in Christ and the life of those in the local church. From there, the effect the Christian has in the world should be consistent with the worldview outlook. Instead of fighting for who wields the enforcement arm of the state or who has the biggest influence over the culture, we seem to be failing at encouraging the importance of personal spiritual growth or growing our local church. We are concerned about Critical Race Theory and the number of abortions taking place, but we have church members that don’t know basic Christian doctrine and our children are lacking in Titus 2 mentors. Here’s how every current event over the past six months fit into the End Times but I’m not going to head next door and lovingly share the Gospel with our shut-in neighbor.

I share some of the experiences I’ve had over the past couple of years with talking with people who are depressed, losing faith, and even suicidal and how connected it is to those who disconnect themselves from the local church. The Christian life should be one of balance and honoring Christ in our hearts. Hopefully, this is an encouragement to us all, including me.

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