9Marks Prayer 9Marks Prayer – How Praying Together Shapes The Church By John Onwuchekwa Synopsis: Prayer is as necessary to the Christian as breathing is to the human body–but it often doesn’t come quite as naturally. In fact, prayer in the church often gets subtly pushed to the side in favor of pragmatic practices that […]
The Church Is Important Continuing from the first part, we look again that the church is important. In this installment, Lauren Hereford from Tulips & Honey invited me and Kristen, to talk about more practical matters in how to find a new church, what to look for, what to look out for, and what to do […]
The Importance of Church This is probably one of the most important topics I’ve had the honor to speak about since I started podcasting – the importance of church. Ever since the government shutdowns where churches closed, people left church for home streaming, or some who just left the church completely I’ve been seeing a […]
Central Concerns About Manhood And Womanhood 50 Crucial Questions – An Overview of Central Concerns about Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper & Wayne Grudem Synopsis: The roles of men and women are immensely contested in both society and the church today. Christians are looking for answers from the Bible regarding how God intends for […]
This article is about how we should view our own pastors in light of the wider access to other teachers. From so-called “celebrity pastors” to 2,000 years of Christian teachers, we have so much content. Your pastor needs your love and support more than any other handler of God’s Word. We are blessed by these men and we are called to be a blessing to them as well.