This article is about how husbands and wives should deal with theological questions. In ways that honors their relationship to each other, their biblical position to each other, and ultimately to God. Also, it offers some advice to try and navigate a question and answer time and even when two might not agree with each. I hear that type of thing happens from time to time in a marriage.
This article is about how we should view our own pastors in light of the wider access to other teachers. From so-called “celebrity pastors” to 2,000 years of Christian teachers, we have so much content. Your pastor needs your love and support more than any other handler of God’s Word. We are blessed by these men and we are called to be a blessing to them as well.
Paralyzed By Prophecy And Love The following question comes from a friend who has given me permission to publish what they sent. I have formatted the question but have accurately represented what was said: I am struggling with an issue that I cannot seem to get passed. My wife is on fire and full of […]