Mr. Machen Goes To To Washington – A Radio Broadcast Style Production – Guest Appearance

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Mr. Machen Goes To Washington

J. Gresham Machen Vs. The State

In 1926, the great J. Gresham Machen testified in front of Congress to protest the creation of the Department of Education. There is no known recording of this testimony – until now!

Stephen Rose from the AnarchoChristian podcast had a really cool idea and asked me to be part of it.  Stephen invited several important voice actors, and then ran out of good choices and invited me, and put together a radio broadcast style recreation of Machen’s testimony and questioning by Congress.

Here are the contributors:


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Previous Appearance On AnarchoChristian

Check out my previous appearance on AnarchoChristian podcast where I talk about apologetics & consistency in our politics in light of the Gospel. – Episode 65 – Apologetics and Politics