Book Review – Called To Freedom by Elise Daniel (Editor)

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Called To Freedom

Why You Can Be Christian And Libertarian

Called To Freedom: Why You Can Be Christian And Libertarian by Elise Daniel (Editor)


Conservatism, Republican politics, and traditional Christianity are thought by some to go together like baseball and apple pie. Yet, for a growing number of people, libertarian political thought provides an alternative to the traditional Christian right. That number includes the six young authors of this book who explore and expound the case that one can be both a Christian and a libertarian.

Called to Freedom explores the major points of tension between the Christian faith and political liberty to demonstrate why the two can coexist in harmony. Through their own personal experiences, and from six different perspectives, the authors offer both thoughtful arguments and encouragement to anyone navigating the space between Christianity and libertarianism. It is in that space that the authors have found a home, one that prioritizes the kingship of Jesus Christ and the inherent dignity of the people created in his image.

If you are a Christian exploring libertarian thought, or if you feel caught between your Christian beliefs and libertarian political instincts, this book is written for you. (Taken from GoodReads page)


Called To Freedom is a good primer for Christians who are looking into if libertarianism is compatible with their faith or looking at some common objections that might come up concerning libertarianism and Christianity. A well-rounded book overall. The biggest contributions to the book are the sections on “libertarian not libertinism” and the common Scriptures people site to support state intervention. The section on Romans 13 and “rending to Caesar” were well done and a further look is warranted especially to the claims of Romans 13.

Overall, the book makes the case that Christianity and libertarianism are compatible so long as the libertarian is subjected completely to the Christian worldview. The State holds power only by the monopolization of the use of force. It does not derive that right from the people. The State is also not a foregone conclusion. Christians understand that the State sometimes enacts laws that are against its core values (abortion, religious persecution, etc.). We must realize we’re not on a team that once it gets power then we get to rule it over the other side.

Christ rules supremely and we must separate ourselves from the world while being part of it. It is at this individual level do we the greatest exercise of Christian values and it’s where we see the imago dei (image of God) of each person. We are all of one blood and we should look upon humanity and its government systems like Christ looked upon it.

Final Grade


Called To Freedom


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