We Have No King But Christ
The Christian Response To Government In The Trial Of Jesus
Do we, as Christians serve King Caesar (the State) or do we actually serve King Jesus?
Patrick was invited by our friends at the Anarchy Bible Study to join them on their show. Josh & Jeff were kind enough to invite me over to do a Bible study with them. This is part 2.
Part 1 can be found here – https://cavetothecross.com/blog/no-king-but-christ/
The Christian should strive to be balanced and consistent in his/her walk of faith and sanctification process. The Bible informs us how to be good parents, good children, good citizens, and good people. When it comes to the Christian’s relationship with the government we sometimes think The Bible tells us little.
Using John 18:28-19:16 as our Scriptural touchpoint, at the trial of Jesus we see the Kingdom of God meet the Kingdom of Caesar. We look at the nature of the State and the relationship and response Christians need to be mindful of when we come against worldly power and the danger involved in putting our trust in it. A balanced and consistent response is provided to us by the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Part two covers Jesus against Jesus Barabbas where we examine where our focus of hope is. Do we look for hope in the government of men or is our confidence in the Lord of the Hosts of Heaven? And we also cover King Jesus against King Caesar and look at why people are willing to lose their whole soul to gain the whole world and a challenge to declare “κύριος Ἰησοῦς” (Jesus Is Lord)!

Listen to the episode in audio podcast form here – https://anchor.fm/anarchistbiblestudy
Josh on Twitter – https://twitter.com/iowancap
Jeff on Twitter – https://twitter.com/JParkYYC
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Check out my appearance on the AnarchoChristian podcast where I discuss apologetics, its importance, and how we can encourage others to have a consistent outlook when we lovingly live our faith in word & action – but also how we view and act in our politics.