The Atheist’s Problem Of Deduction To Do Logic

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The Atheist's Problem Of Deduction

The Atheist’s Problem Of Deduction

The atheist’s problem of deduction is also an issue because of the materialism worldview assumption. Think about all the things you interact with on a daily basis and remove half of them and the other half have to be treated as only physical properties. Love your wife or children? Only if chemicals are fizzing so you don’t when you’re asleep. Counting numbers? Do you think that’s a “2” you’re counting? Did you use an “if, then” statement? Logic doesn’t exist to the materialist. Herein lies the problem.

Today’s short clip comes from episode 199 which can be found here.

Books mentioned in this episode:

Against All Oppositions

Against All Opposition: Defending the Christian Worldview by Greg Bahnsen – Get The Book(s) – Order At American Vision






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Bahnsen Lecture Library

Check Out All The Episodes In The Series

A good introduction on what presuppositionalism is and why it’s important for Christians to talk to others about what assumptions they bring to the table can be found here. We break down the hard concepts that might be intimidating. Even saying presuppositionalism seems difficult.

All episodes of Against All Oppositions can be found here.




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