The Importance of Church
This is probably one of the most important topics I’ve had the honor to speak about since I started podcasting – the importance of church. Ever since the government shutdowns where churches closed, people left church for home streaming, or some who just left the church completely I’ve been seeing a growing trend. The trend is people who still identify as Christians but have no support system when they run into problems in their life and their spiritual life. They are turning to YouTube pastors, streaming services to churches they are not apart of, and believing they can forgo the direct commands of Scripture and just be them and their Bible without the need for the local Church.
That’s not what we’re commanded in Scripture to do. It’s not what the 1st century Christians did. It’s not what Jesus, the Head of the Church, desires.
Lauren Hereford from Tulips & Honey invited me and Kristen, who has an amazing testimony of leaving an A.R.C. church, talk about why we need to go to a solid, Bible believing church, how to leave a church, and what to do if you’re hurt by a church in this part one of two episodes. The next episode will cover how to choose a new church and what to look for that is God honoring without “church shopping”. Below is the comments from the podcast:
Yes, that’s right, you read the title correctly, folks! I finagled both Patrick Studabaker AND Kristin Everett onto the show at the same time for an epic duel of wit. Just kidding, well there’s a great deal of wit, but just not a dueling, more of an iron sharpening iron, as we delve into the importance of church. In part one of this two part series we focus on leaving the church Biblically, as well as dealing with church hurt. There may also be a good deal of derailing…mostly by Patrick. Certainly not by your squirrely host! Below is a list of links for things mentioned in today’s episode as well as links to both Kristin and Patricks social medias for further information and contact with the pair.