The Test To Perform To See If A Religion Is True

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Testing A Religion

Testing A Religion

This is a four-fold test that one can put any religion, belief system, or truth claim to the test.


00:00 – Four Tests To Evaluate Worldview Truth Claims
00:23 – Test 1 – The Consistency Test
03:28 – Test 2 – The Coherence Test
04:11 – Test 3 – The Explanation Test
06:24 – Test 4 – The Evidence Test


11:04Scientists Do Whatever They Can To Not Kill Their Theories



Check Out All The Episodes In The Series

Looking for a good introduction book to Christianity? This is a good one to give to someone questioning if Christianity is true or even a new believer. You can get together with them and follow along in the book with us!

All episodes of Why Should I Believe Christianity? can be found here.



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