Ep. 80 – Tactics – Reservations

Patrick   July 13, 2020

Great! Now is the time to put on the boxing gloves and wail on some atheists by the power of God!

Ya, not so much.  Greg Koukl gives us a second part of the introduction where he lays out what the Christian means when we say “argument”.  We don’t want to have a shouting match with someone we want to have a fruitful conversation. We also want to have a proper understanding of God’s sovereignty and His role in salvation.  Before we utilize our tactics, we need to have the crucified to Christ mindset.

The episode link is cavetothecross.com/ep80

Books mentioned in this episode:

(Amazon Link – https://amzn.to/2CZRs9s)

(Audible – https://amzn.to/2ZGspjI)







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