Virtue Ethics & Natural Law Introduction – Ep.290 – Christian Ethics – 4 Views – Introduction to Four Theories of Christian Ethics – Part 1

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Virtue Ethics & Natural Law Introduction

Virtue Ethics & Natural Law Introduction

Welcome to book number 11! We are going over IVP’s Spectrum Multiview book, Christian Ethics – 4 Views. We introduce the layout of the book and dive right in by giving the virtue ethics & natural law introduction. Covering the definition, short history, and foundation derived in Scripture, we cover the first two of our four views of Christian ethics. Join us, won’t you?


00:00 – Introduction
01:10 – IVP Spectrum Multiview Book Series Introduction
03:29 – Introducing The Book Christian Ethics – 4 Views
07:57 – The Importance Of The Shoulds & The Oughts In Humanity
12:49 – The Issues Of The Christian Understanding Of Ethics
17:39 – Christian Ethic Systems May Overlap
20:39 – Why These 4 Models Were Chosen
24:28 – Introducing The Definition & History Of Each Christian Ethic Model
25:58 – Defining Virtue Ethics
28:50 – Brief History Of Virtue Ethics
34:41 – The Scriptural Center Of Virtue Ethics
38:29 – Defining Natural Law Ethics
42:45 – Brief Natural Law Ethics
45:37 – The Scriptural Center Of Natural Law Ethics
47:04 – Conclusion

Virtue Ethics & Natural Law Introduction


4 Christian Ethics

Christian Ethics – 4 Views – Edited by Steve Wilkens




Book of VirtuesThe Book Of Virtue by William J. Bennett

All episodes, short clips, & blog –



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