The Resurrection Explained

The Resurrection Explained! – Ep.176 – What About Evil? – The Cosmic Redeemer – Part 1

Patrick   May 16, 2022

The Resurrection Explained!

Why was the end of the Incarnation of Jesus on Earth important? What does it mean to people before, during, and after the Cross? How does the Resurrection ensure a believer’s redemption? Well, this is the first part of the Resurrection explained! What does it all mean? Everything!

With the Resurrection of Jesus, His ascension into Heaven puts a pin in His coming again. Where He was first the lamb slain as the suffering servant His next appearance will be as the conquering King. But before we get to the end, we need to look at what’s next after the empty tomb.

We have to see what the Resurrection does in context of Satan and sin. Are they defeated or is there a future end? What are the benefits of the Resurrection? Well, we see the benefits in areas of a Christian’s justification, sanctification, and glorification. These are shared experiences between believers across the gulf of history. These experiences are for those who surround us right now and are a part of what we build as being fellow heirs in the Kingdom of God.

Aslan is coming and the sons and daughters of men must make ready for the final battle.


00:00 – Introduction
01:29 – The Coming Conquering Lion
05:33 – The Victorious Christ
07:46 – The Final, Complete Passover
11:21 – From Crisis To Victory
13:58 – Putting Satan & Sin Into Perspective
17:32 – Jesus Is The Resurrected King
19:37 – So What Of The Resurrection?
24:08 – Holistic Benefits Of The Resurrection
25:55 – Sanctification & Glorification In 3 Events Of History
26:23 – Believers Participate With Jesus At The Events Of The Cross
28:16 – Renewed Life At The Moment Of Salvation
29:16 – Glorification Guaranteed
32:59 – Conclusion


The episode link is

The Resurrection Explained

Books mentioned in this episode:

What About Evil Book

What about Evil? A Defense of God’s Sovereign Glory by Scott Christensen
Logos Link
ChristianBook Link

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