One Body, Many Gifts – Ep.285 – Faith Has Its Reasons – Speaking the Truth in Love – Perspectives on Apologetics

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One Body, Many Gifts

One Body, Many Gifts

In our concluding chapter to the book, we look at how the Church is one body & many gifts are given in it. Our authors discuss how the differences in apologetic methods might actually be a good thing to respond to both apologists and those they speak to. With that, what has been your thoughts on the book? Have you learned anything or changed your mind on anything when it comes to a particular method? Let us know in the comments on the video or on social media.


00:00 – Introduction
03:54 – One Body, Many Gifts – How Apologists Differ
09:45 – One Body, Many Gifts – How People Differ
12:26 – One Body, Many Gifts – How Apologetic Needs Differ
22:42 – One Body, Many Gifts – How Apologetic Problems Differ
24:37 – Conclusion To Faith Has Its Reasons
30:20 – Conclusion

One Body, Many Gifts


Faith Has Its Reasons

Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.



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