Historical Fideism – Ep.272 – Faith Has Its Reasons – Apologists Who Emphasize Faith – Part 2

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Historical Fideism

Historical Fideism

We now move to the historical Fideism of those who would subscribe to the title of Fidist. Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Barth, and Donald Bloesch are the main proponents of the apologetic method that is more to them than “just believe”.


00:00 – Introduction
01:38 – Søren Kierkegaard – The Father Of Essentialism
03:17 – Kierkegaard’s Challenge To Discover Authentic Christian Faith
07:21 – 4 Types Of Apologetic Arguments Of A Fideism
07:47 – Argument 1 – No Human Author Argument
13:51 – Argument 2 – Argument Of The Incarnation
15:24 – Argument 3 – Argument From Offense
17:29 – Argument 4 – Argument Of The Book As A Whole
20:47 – Karl Barth – The Father Of Neo-Orthodoxy
24:54 – Barth’s Christian Apologetics Summarized
28:17 – Donald Bloesch – The Father Of Faith Seeking Understanding
31:40 – Conclusion

Historical Fideism


Faith Has Its Reasons

Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.




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