Fideist Faith Is Experience – Ep.274 – Faith Has Its Reasons – Reasons Of The Heart – Part 2

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Fideist Faith Is Experience

Fideist Faith Is Experience

The final three parts of the apologetic approach of rational Fideists. Here we see for Fideist faith is experience and they don’t look fondly at “the Science(TM)” and even less at history as a set of facts. They aren’t anti-science or anti-history, they just believe in proper avenues and spheres not mixing over into the others.


00:00 – Introduction
02:07 – Fideist Don’t Reject Science But Christianity Goes Beyond “Science(TM)”
07:25 – Fideists Believe Revelation Transcends History
10:15 – How Can You Prove Your Wife?
16:07 – For Fideist Faith Is Experience
18:43 – How To Know You’re Not Cheating On Your Wife
19:51 – Star Trek Reference
20:48 – Conclusion

Fideist Faith Is Experience


Faith Has Its Reasons

Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.



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