Ep. 77 – Lydia McGrew Interview – Part 1

Patrick   June 22, 2020

We welcome Dr. Lydis McGrew to the show to talk about her two books, “Hidden in Plain View” and “The Mirror and the Mask“. For part one we cover Dr. McGrew’s first book about undesigned coincidences in the New Testament.  Dr. McGrew and her husband, Dr. Tim McGrew are fellow Kalamazooians and we talk about her start into apologetic philosophy.  She then explains how undesigned coincidences lend to the credibility of The Bible including the establishment of miracles.  This really is a fascinating subject and we hope to do more videos on this subject.

When the interview goes live you can find part 2, talking about Dr. McGrew’s book “The Mirror and the Mask” at the following:

06/29 – cavetothecross.com/ep78

You can find Dr. Lydia McGrew on Facebook here.

Books mentioned in this episode:

Hidden In Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts






The Mirror or the Mask: Liberating the Gospels from Literary Devices








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