Intro Cover

Ep. 00 – Introduction

Patrick   January 7, 2019

apologetics; presuppositionalism; philosophy; podcast;

Welcome to the Cave To The Cross Apologetics show!

This show is hosted by two Christians, Patrick & Tony, who enjoy reading and discussing philosophy.  On this show, they do the heavy lifting for you.

Each episode involves a discussion on a book but it could also be on an article or video.  The subject could be on philosophy, theology, or similar subject. Tony and Patrick discuss and break down the subject material and present it in each episode just like you would have it done in a book club.  This is a book club you’re apart of too!

Have you had that theology book on your bookshelf you always wanted to pick up but haven’t had the time?  You may have wanted to read that philosophy book or had some interest in the subject but were too intimated by the material.  Maybe you wanted to be part of a book club but don’t want to wake up early on a Saturday or smell a coffee shop for two hours or put on pants to be around other people!

Join Patrick and Tony in their book discussions as they break it down sometimes chapter by chapter.

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Patrick & Tony write articles, blog posts, independent teachings, and make announcements on the blog page found here –

We do a video show that’s converted into an audio podcast.  You can check out the podcast on our YouTube page and the audio on any of your favorite podcast apps or services below.

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PATRICK:  Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Cave To The Cross Apologetics. I’m Patrick.

TONY:  And I’m Tony. And we’re here to talk to you about what Cave To The Cross Apologetics is all about.

PATRICK:  Yeah. We’ve met for about five years now. We’ve gone over a various number of apologetics books including philosophy, just straight-up apologetics, evidentialist books, presuppositional, all sorts of good items that we decided; “Hey! Why don’t we just film it and maybe we can help out other people who want to learn about this stuff or who don’t think that they have time to learn this stuff?”

TONY:  Right, so we’ve covered theology books, all kinds of books, right? And basically what we do is we just kind of walk through the book, we discuss it, bat ideas back and forth, and so that we understand exactly what the author is doing.

PATRICK:  And they’re always right ideas! They’re never out of left field. There are no rabbit trails we go down.

TONY:  So, you know, what we decided is sometimes people may want to read some of these books. They may be intimidated because some of these books are rather heavy. They may not have enough time to just sit down and read a book. They may, so you know, maybe they want to read alongside us as we go through it or hear and see what we have to say with regard to the book and that sort of thing. So we thought we would film it. Give you an opportunity to experience some of the books that we’re going to be covering so that you can go through it with us.

PATRICK:  Right, so there’s a number of different ways that you can kind of consume this podcast; this video series. One is through the video channel which you’ll just see us, kind of, sitting here talking; going over the book; making notes; clapping each other on the back; telling each other, “That’s a really good point!” – that the author has made. And another way is just your driving in your car and you want to listen to a podcast on an audio feed of. That will also happen. So you’ll miss maybe some of the overlays from the video but pretty much everything that we’re gone to be doing is audio only. So there are a number of different ways that you can consume it that way. On top of that, we’ll also have the various social media sites and websites that you can kind of get in touch with us and ask questions or have if we have questions. We’ll put it out there as well. So there’s just number of different ways that we want to interact with you; to help you out; to help us out; and, yeah, we can all take a journey through whatever book that we’re going through.

TONY:  Yeah. Yeah, so we’ll do the hard – the heavy lifting…

PATRICK:  Yeah, we will. Not the author!

TONY:  …buying the book, and going through it and trying to understand what it says. And then – and then you can just follow along with us and maybe gain some insight in terms of what the book has to say as we interact with the contents of the various books.

PATRICK:  Yeah, so one of the reasons that we want to do this too is because we want to kind of – not change the narrative of what apologetics is, but kind of understand that it’s not just for the unbeliever. That this is something that the believer should dedicate their study to that they can be encouraged by and also have a benefit. Because we always think of apologetics is answering the critic, answering you know the skeptic, and sometimes that can kind of put us off on our on our heels. “Like, well, you know, I’m not really that confrontational especially when it comes to that the nature of life and the ontological arguments and that.”

TONY:  Yeah. So, you know, so it’s great as believers to know that we, indeed, do have answers so you know that’s an encouragement for us. That’s a way that we can build up ourselves and that sort of thing. So it’s more, as you know, as you said more than apologetics the purpose of it is to defend the faith. But it’s also, I think, a way to encourage believers. We have answers to these various issues of.  The true and living God has given us the truth and so we can respond no matter how complicated or, you know, the question or issue needs to be. There’s a response to it. And so we will work through these various books and see what they have to say so that you can gain confidence as you are considering the issues and the questions and the problems that people raise.

PATRICK:  So, we hope you that you enjoy this podcast and video series. Rate it everywhere. You can share it everywhere you want to. If you want to buy the book and read along with us that’s great. There’ll be links to what we do in the description for each episode and just various other items. So it might not only just be books we might do debates or just news articles that we find or philosophical arguments that that are covered in in different books. So we’ll try and make those available to you in a number of different ways possible. So I hope you enjoy this journey with us because we’ve been doing it for five years and we absolutely love it. So we’re just – we’re just filming it now! So that’s alright.

TONY:  Alright! Great!

PATRICK:  So, see you back at the next episode! Thank you.

TONY:  Thank you. Bye.



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